Amazon Leverages AI and Computer Vision to Ensure Product Quality and Boost Sustainability

Artificial IntelligenceInternet of Things (IoT)StrategyTechnology#IIoTAI

Frustrated customers often receive incorrect products, damaged items, or packages in poor condition. To tackle these issues, Amazon is deploying computer vision and AI to ensure products arrive in pristine condition and to bolster its sustainability efforts. Dubbed “Project P.I.” (short for “private investigator”), this initiative operates within Amazon’s North American fulfilment centres, scanning millions

Neurotechnology: Unlocking the Power of the Mind (and Regulatory Protection)

Artificial IntelligenceInternet of Things (IoT)PrivacyRegulationsTechnology#IoT#NeurotechnologyAI

Imagine a world where technology can read your thoughts and emotions, where machines can tap into the deepest recesses of your mind. This might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s closer to reality than you might think. Neurotechnology is a groundbreaking field that focuses on understanding and interacting with the

A closer look at Kubernetes

InfrastructureInternet of Things (IoT)TechnologyTelecomsAutomationCloud NativeInfrastructurek8sKubernetesOrchestration

In an earlier blog post, Kubernetes Overview, we introduced Kubernetes. We introduced key capabilities of Kubernetes i.e. Portability, Extensibility, Declarative Configuration and Automation. Let’s take a closer look at these capabilities to acquire deeper insights into the technology. Portability The portability of Kubernetes refers to its ability to enable consistent and seamless deployment and management