Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)

Artificial IntelligenceTechnology#generativeAI#responsibleAIAI

Recently, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have gained significant attention in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) for their ability to create realistic images, music, and even text. But what exactly are GANs, and how do they work? This blog post will break down the concept of GANs explaining their components, purposes, and limitations. What are

AI Hallucination

Artificial IntelligenceStrategyTechnologyUncategorized#AI_Hallucinations#responsibleAIAI

In the fascinating world of AI, hallucination doesn’t refer to seeing pink elephants. Instead, it means when an AI confidently provides information that’s completely fabricated. Picture asking your phone for the nearest pizzeria and it gives you an address for a restaurant that doesn’t exist. That’s an AI hallucination. Practical Examples of AI Hallucination Why

AI is a now a political candidate

Artificial IntelligenceRegulationsTechnology#responsibleAIAI

An artificial intelligence candidate, AI Steve, is on the ballot for the UK’s general election. AI Steve, created by Neural Voice and represented by a Sussex businessman, aims to offer constant communication with constituents through AI. “People can ask AI Steve questions or share their opinions on Endacott’s policies on its website, during which a large

Unlocking the Full Potential of GenAI: Moving Beyond Productivity Tools to Strategic Integration

Artificial IntelligenceStrategyTechnology#GenAIAI

Despite the significant hype around generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), most companies are hesitant to invest heavily in the technology. A recent report by Genpact and HFS Research reveals that only 5% of global organizations have achieved mature GenAI initiatives, while 45% are adopting a wait-and-watch approach. This hesitation stems largely from a narrow perception of

Amazon Leverages AI and Computer Vision to Ensure Product Quality and Boost Sustainability

Artificial IntelligenceInternet of Things (IoT)StrategyTechnology#IIoTAI

Frustrated customers often receive incorrect products, damaged items, or packages in poor condition. To tackle these issues, Amazon is deploying computer vision and AI to ensure products arrive in pristine condition and to bolster its sustainability efforts. Dubbed “Project P.I.” (short for “private investigator”), this initiative operates within Amazon’s North American fulfilment centres, scanning millions

Neurotechnology: Unlocking the Power of the Mind (and Regulatory Protection)

Artificial IntelligenceInternet of Things (IoT)PrivacyRegulationsTechnology#IoT#NeurotechnologyAI

Imagine a world where technology can read your thoughts and emotions, where machines can tap into the deepest recesses of your mind. This might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s closer to reality than you might think. Neurotechnology is a groundbreaking field that focuses on understanding and interacting with the

“The ELVIS Act”: Tennessee Leads the Way in AI Regulation for Musicians

Artificial IntelligenceRegulations#responsibleAIAI

Tennessee, renowned as the birthplace of country music, has taken a groundbreaking step towards safeguarding the rights of musicians against the perils of artificial intelligence (AI). Governor Bill Lee recently approved legislation aimed at shielding songwriters, performers, and music professionals from the potential misuse of AI technology. The new law, known as the Ensuring Likeness,

AI is now an observer on the corporate board of a multi-billion dollar, multi-national company.

Artificial IntelligenceFinanceTechnology#responsibleAIAI

Abu Dhabi’s International Holding Co. (IHC), a $238 billion valuation business, is embarking on a groundbreaking journey by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into its boardroom dynamics. This bold move comes in the form of introducing Aiden Insight, an AI-powered observer, to its esteemed board of directors. With Aiden’s prowess, IHC aims to revolutionize its strategic

When AI Throws a Lazy Tantrum: Dealing with Generative AI’s Non-Compliance

Artificial IntelligenceTechnology#generativeAI#responsibleAIAI

Hey there, fellow AI enthusiasts! Have you experienced Generative AI being lazy? Or just not interested in following directions provided through those prompts? Today, we’re diving into the somewhat quirky world of Generative AI, where laziness and defiance occasionally rear their digital heads. Yes, you heard me right! Even the most sophisticated algorithms can sometimes